1st Chinley Scouts

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Email gsl@chinleyscouts.org.uk
Website http://www.chinleyscouts.org.uk/
Telephone 07913 802260
    • Martin Berriman
    • Group Scout Leader
Purpose We're relatively small but thriving group with big ambitions to ensure that the young people in our community are offered the best opportunities for excitement & adventure.

Services Visit our website to see the activities that the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers get up to.
What they do
  • Education/training
  • Social groups/clubs
  • Young people's groups/activities
Who they work with
  • Families
  • Voluntary/community groups
Geographical area coverage Derbyshire
Space for Hire Yes
Opening Times Please contact us to find out when the groups meet.
Eligibility Criteria We offer scouting opportunities for people aged between 6 and 25
Meeting Place Victory Hall, Head Lane, Whitehough
Service Costs Check out the FAQ's page of our website for details.
Is a registered charity? Yes
Charity Number 514718

The most up-to-date list of all the voluntary and community groups active in Derbyshire

A count of the number of registered groups 3743 groups

About the directory

The voluntary groups, organisations, social clubs, charities, social enterprises in this directory are all based in - or work within - Derby and Derbyshire.

The directory is maintained and contributed to by a network of 13 organisations across the region.

Existing groups

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