Enable Care and Home Support

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Website http://www.enable-group.org.uk
Golding House Resource Centre
Henry Avenue
    • Judith Berrisford
    • judithb@enable-group.org.uk
    • 01246 599959
    • Centre Manager
Purpose Golding House Resource Centre provides day time opportunities for adults with learning disabilites, some have other associated problems such as sensory impairments, mobilty issues or may need additional support with their behaviour.We are situated in Matlock and we aim to use local facilites as much as possible, so that people who are disadvantaged in todays society can lead meaningful lives within their own local community.
Services Sports/Leisure
Supported employment
Indoor games
Health and Beauty
Independent living skills
current affairs/discussion
Film group
Health and well being
Seniors group
What they do
  • Animal welfare/wildlife
  • Arts/Crafts/Culture/Music
  • Carer support
  • Charity shops
  • Community development
  • Conservation
  • Disability support/access
  • Education/training
  • Environment/climate change
  • Funding advice
  • Health - Eating
  • Leisure and recreation
  • Social care
  • Social groups/clubs
  • Sports and exercise
Who they work with
  • People with hearing impairments
  • People with learning difficulties
  • People with physical disabilities
  • People with visual impairments
Geographical area coverage Part(s) of Derbyshire,e.g Darley Dale, Tansley, up to Rowsley, Matlock Bath,catchment area of Matlock and surrounding area
Space for Hire No
Opening Times At present we are open Monday - Friday from 8.30 am t0 3.30 pm. We are presently introducing flexible hours ,which could include evenings and weekends.
Eligibility Criteria Referral to Golding House is through DCC social services. There is a catchment area of Matlock and surrounding area. People aged 18 years and over who have a learning disability can be referred by their social worker/ care manager or links to the NHS.
Meeting Place The base is at Golding House, but we are off-site using local facilities for much of the day. Individuals choose from a prospectus what they would like to do, if this is a possibility we will try to make it happen.
Service Costs At present (01.02.11) the only cost is £1.50 per day for a midday meal. or 20p per day for drinks if lunch is not required. However this could change due to uncertainties in how care services will be funded in the future.
Is a registered charity? Yes
Charity Number 1001704

The most up-to-date list of all the voluntary and community groups active in Derbyshire

A count of the number of registered groups 3690 groups

About the directory

The voluntary groups, organisations, social clubs, charities, social enterprises in this directory are all based in - or work within - Derby and Derbyshire.

The directory is maintained and contributed to by a network of 13 organisations across the region.

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