Description | The Centre promotes, supports and develops volunteering in Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire. It offers a brokerage service, direct services, and befriending projects, and promotes good practice through the Forum for Managers of Volunteers. |
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Website | |
Telephone | 01246 276777 |
Fax | 01246 276777 |
Address | 38 Knifesmithgate Chesterfield Derbyshire S40 1RQ |
Contacts |
Purpose | We are a local volunteering development agency working independently to promote, support and develop volunteering across Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire. We aim to make a positive impact on the quality of the volunteering experience for individual volunteers and the organisations that work with them. We follow the six core functions of a Volunteer Centre as outlined by Volunteering England. These include: Brokerage role; Marketing volunteering; Good practice development; Developing vol |
Services | As well as the brokerage role to individuals looking for a suitable volunteering placement, The Volunteer Centre also runs: Elderfriends Befriending Scheme - A befriending scheme aimed at reducing social isolation among elderly people. Community Health Champions - A project encoraging people to live healthier lifestyles. Healthy Homes and Happy Personnel Independence Project (HHAPI) - Helping people to live independently intheir own homes with a focus on health and wellbeing. Diabetic Mentoring Project - to support patients with diabetes to improve their overall quality of life by offering support and understanding in dealing with the diagnosis of a long term health condition. Youth Mentoring Scheme - A mentoring project aimed at providing volunteer mentors for young people on the verge of exclusion from school. InVOLve - A project aimed at making volunteering more accessible to people with long term health conditions (physical and mental) and providing them with suitable training. |
What they do |
Who they work with |
Geographical area coverage | Chesterfield, NE Derbyshire,Part(s) of Derby City, Part(s) of Derbyshire |
Space for Hire | No |
Opening Times | The Volunteer Centre is open Monday to Friday 9 till 5 and all staff will be able to offer information about these projects, and our core service |
Eligibility Criteria | There are few limitiations on who can volunteer on our projects. Referrals however usually come from within Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire. |
Meeting Place | The befriending scheme and the mentoring project take place out in the community while volunteering that takes place on the InVOLve project will usually take place within the designated organistions within Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire |
Service Costs | There are no charges for these services |
Is a registered charity? | Yes |
Charity Number | 1107942 |
Is a registered company? | Yes |
Company Number | 5329651 |
The voluntary groups, organisations, social clubs, charities, social enterprises in this directory are all based in - or work within - Derby and Derbyshire.
The directory is maintained and contributed to by a network of 13 organisations across the region.
If you are already listed on the directory you can manage your own data online. If you are not yet listed, then add your group now!