University of The Third Age, Derby Group

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Purpose U3A stands for University of the Third Age, but this title causes endless debates among members.

Let’s start with the Third Age part - the Third Age comes after childhood (First Age) and career/ family (Second Age).

University? Well, in the very broadest sense of lifelong learning, perhaps. But we have no faculties, no professors and definitely no exams! Our ‘curriculum’ ranges from Golf to Geology, Scrabble to Spanish Conversation, Railway Studies to Recorders, Walking to Wine Appreciation. We go to theatres, concerts, stately homes, city centres and the great outdoors. We organise trips abroad. The list is endless. Each U3A - there are currently 16 in Derbyshire and over 1000 nationally - is independent, so that the range of activities in each one is up to the members. If there is a demand and someone willing to lead it, it will run. Visit the Groups List to get an idea of the enormous range on offer or some of the individual U3A web sites (Derbyshire U3As).

In 2016, a Derbyshire ‘Network Cluster’ was formed. This gives members in one U3A opportunities to participate in a few activities of another cluster member, without joining the other U3A. See the News page.

All British U3As are affiliated to our national body, the Third Age Trust, which gives support and guidance - and ideas!
What they do
  • Arts/Crafts/Culture/Music
  • Education/training
  • Leisure and recreation
  • Sports and exercise
Who they work with
  • Older people 50+
Geographical area coverage Derby City, Part(s) of Derbyshire
Space for Hire No

The most up-to-date list of all the voluntary and community groups active in Derbyshire

A count of the number of registered groups 3688 groups

About the directory

The voluntary groups, organisations, social clubs, charities, social enterprises in this directory are all based in - or work within - Derby and Derbyshire.

The directory is maintained and contributed to by a network of 13 organisations across the region.

Existing groups

If you are already listed on the directory you can manage your own data online. If you are not yet listed, then add your group now!