118th Cub Scout Group, Witham Drive, Littleover

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Email Karen.ives-smith@ntlworld.com
Website http://www.118thderbyscouts.org.uk
Purpose 118th Cub Scouts is part of the 118th Scout Group.
We have 3 sections: Beavers aged 6 to 8; Cub Scouts aged 8 to 10.5; Scouts aged 10.5 to 14. Cub Scouts meet on Tuesdays 6.30 to 8.00pm at our headquarters on Witham drive, Littleover. Male and female young persons are welcome at any of our sections.
We are a charitable organisation. We often take part in charitable events to raise money for our group or simply to raise money for other charitable organisations too. For example, we recently undertook a toy sale raising £99.40 for our local Air Ambulance after the cub scouts made a visit to them!
Services We provide a balanced programme of indoor and outdoor activities for young people ranging from activities involving crafts to activities such as cooking and camping.
Who they work with
  • Children/young people aged 11-17
  • Children/young people aged 5-11
Geographical area coverage Part(s) of Derby City, Part(s) of Derbyshire,Littleover
Space for Hire No
Eligibility Criteria Beavers - young people aged 6 to 8 Cub Scouts aged 8 to 10.5 Scouts aged 10.5 to 14
Meeting Place 118th Derby Scout Group, Witham Drive, Littleover, Derby
Service Costs £12.00 per half term £25.00 annual capitation fee
Is a registered charity? Yes
Charity Number 520634

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